31 December 2009

2009 Books I Listened To

  1. Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne
  2. The Great Crash 1929 - John Galbraith
  3. Giants of Irish Literature: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett
  4. From Jesus to Christianity: A History of the Early Church
  5. Upon This Rock: A History of the Papacy From Peter To John Paul II
  6. “God Wills It!”: Understanding the Crusades
  7. The Cassandra Compact: A Covert-One Novel - Robert Ludlum
  8. Visions of Utopia: Philosophy and the Perfect Society
  9. Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam 1862
  10. Fundamental Cases: The Twentieth Century Courtroom Battles That Changed Our Nation
  11. The Murder Room - PD James
  12. The Black Tower - PD James
  13. Nerve Damage - Peter Abrahams
  14. The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin's Service - Andrew Meier

2009 Books I Read

  1. Kiss - Ted Dekker
  2. When I was a Kid, This was a Free Country - G. Gordon Liddy
  3. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists - Ronald Walpole
  4. James A. Garfield - Ira Rutkow
  5. Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie
  6. The Blessing Way - Tony Hillerman
  7. A Taste of Death - PD James
  8. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of statistics
  9. Systematic Theology, Vol. 1: Introduction/Bible - Norman Geisler
  10. James K. Polk - John Seigenthaler
  11. Chosen but Free - Norman Geisler
  12. The One Year Chronological Bible
  13. Saint - Ted Dekker
  14. The Tales of Beedle the Bard - JK Rowling
  15. Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
  16. Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
  17. Black , Red & White (Trilogy) - Ted Dekker
  18. Showdown - Ted Dekker
  19. Skin - Ted Dekker
  20. The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
  21. Blink - Malcolm Gladwell

30 December 2009

What does 'it' mean in Greek?

"I baptize you with water, but one is coming who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire" - Luke 3
"You shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit" - Acts 1

"As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as upon us at the beginning; God gave to them the same gift as to us also after believing in the Lord Jesus Christ" - Acts 11
"For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body and we were made to drink of one Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 12

Between Acts 1 and Acts 11, we went from 'shall be baptized' to 'were all baptized'. IT happened, the strangest concept in all of Christianity, and probably much of the religious world.

IT - n. - Greek (c) 33 a.d.; the pouring of the Holy Spirit, a portion of the triune God, into the presence and personhood of a believing follower of God.

20 December 2009

Joe Alan verses the Volcano Squirrels

Three months ago Maggie woke me in the middle of the night. "Do you hear that?" I hear some scratching over our bathroom area. "I don't hear anything." Back to sleep.
Next night: "Do you hear that?" I hear more scratching. "I'll look in the attic this weekend."

Two weeks ago, Maggie didn't have to wake me. We both spent the pre-dawn hours being entertained by the pitter patter of... well, we did not yet know. Just above our heads, practicing their sprints, back and forth with just a 1/2" of drywall separating us.

Mice? Did not make sense, as they are food scavengers, and burrowers, and don't tend to climb up 2 1/2 stories to make their nightly abodes. Squirrels? My first assumption, but only half true.

As I climbed through the attic, dangling my timid hand in and out of the rafters for some evidence of a hole in the roof, I am met by a chipmunk, I think. But not quite like a chipmunk.

In the glory of the internet, I found that we are infested by a family of Southern Flying Squirrels. I've lived most of my mid-life life in Georgia, and have never seen these nocturnal tree-loving RODENTS.

So, being the animal lover I am, after 3 nights of loud entertainment, I bought a Hav-A-Heart live-trap - a box designed to lure the unintelligent creature in via the aphrodisiac of peanut butter, and keep them for ready me to drop off in the next county. That was a week ago. All I have found is a licked-clean trap with no squirrels.

Then, realizing that they are RODENTS, and that I actually am not an animal lover, I placed seven (7) rat-traps smothered in peanut butter (p.b. on the trap, on the wood base, on the area around the trap) throughout the attic centered on two found entrances and some sort of leaf-strewn nesting area.

Maggie had solicited free advice from a Squirrel-Removal-Man: put up the traps and leave the attic alone for 5 days. Give them time to get used to the traps and get sprung. So, on day 5, just moments ago, in anticipation of the Great Squirrel Takedown, I venture up the rickety stairs to find one (1) dead squirrel and six (6) licked-clean un-triggered Rat Traps (oh yeah, and a licked clean Live Trap).

Two weeks into the standoff, I have made two trips to Home Depot, spent $44, climbed through the attic ~8 nights, laid in bed awake ~5 nights, watched half a dozen squirrels dash across the eaves, and catch one dead squirrel. I'm thinking it is time to bring in professional help. Or buy a shotgun. I'll ask Mags which she prefers.

13 December 2009

What are we doing this for anyway?

Why do we gather on Sunday mornings?
  1. Pray for self, neighbors, community, kingdom?
  2. Face our sins - acknowledge in confession before God and the Body?
  3. Offer ourselves in worship of God?
  4. Read the Scriptures?
  5. Share the work of God in our life with others?
  6. Teach and be taught God's manners and ways?
Likely there are others.
And just as likely, even in a great church such as Stonebridge, many of the above go unfulfilled. We highly value (3) as it is generally pleasurable, even if a bit uncomfortable. We do a quick gloss over (4), without much demand. And don't forget (6), embedded in even the unchurched as a central portion of the morning activities. But (5) is a bit too out-of-the-box, too transparent to dive into. (1) is taken care of by the few prayer-volunteers who store up treasure in heaven for us, and (2) is best left alone, lest we hurt feelings (especially ours).

I think through this in conviction of myself rather than the Church as a whole. But I worry that we are missing a great life by accepting a mediocre one.

05 September 2009

The Cowboy Code

  • A cowboy always tells the truth and keeps his word.
  • A cowboy is a Patriot standing for Truth, Justice & the American way.
  • A cowboy never betrays a trust or takes advantage.
  • A cowboy is brave, but never careless.
  • A cowboy defends the weak and helps them.
  • A cowboy is kind to children, old folks, and to animals.
  • A cowboy is free from racial and religious prejudice.
  • A cowboy is clean about his person and in thought, word, and deed.
  • A cowboy is loyal, hard working and maintains a high ethic.
  • A cowboy is thankful for what God has given him.

23 August 2009

What is the Point of Jesus, Part 3

~ 30 A.D. - John the Baptist proclaims to the gathered masses looking for something with greater sustenance than the regulatory existence of their Judeo life:
"I baptize you with water, but one is coming who is mightier than I...
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire"
~33 A.D. - Jesus, preparing his followers (and probably himself) for His quickly-coming crucifixion, attempts to provide comfort:
"I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper that He may be with you forever, the Spirit of truth...He abides with you, and will be with you." "I tell you the truth, it to your advantage that I go away; ... I will send Him [the Helper] to you." "He... will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment; ... He will guide you into all truth."
~ a few weeks later, having returned from the dead, Jesus leaves his followers a few more notes:
"John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
not many days from now."
~and Jesus was right. Shortly thereafter, as the early followers of Jesus were watching college football one Saturday, the unusual, unique, bizarre and intimidating happened:
"...there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house... and there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.
And they were filled with the Holy Spirit."
~ the distinct introduction of the 3rd person within the Trinity - as ol' King James named the Holy Ghost. And this was a sealing, a connection between God and man more radical in concept and promise than we can fear to comprehend. A furtherance of the aim of Jesus: to have man abide in God.
To be led by God
to be convicted, encouraged, taught, Fathered...
to take comfort in the myriad of promises throughout scripture,
to begin to understand the nature of creator God.

12 July 2009

What is the Point of Jesus, Part 1

It is 40 A.D.
Jesus has fulfilled the desires of His Father, Jehovah God. He has served as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, and completed the work of reconciliation. That which we ignorantly trusted in ten years ago has been brought to fruition.
Before, we trusted that God would provide a means to overcome our sins and separation from Him.
Now, we trust that Jesus' sacrifice is the means by which to bring about justification.
This justification is the foundation of the Christian Salvation promise. By faith in the works of Jesus and the promise of Jehovah, we are brought into relationship with God.
In some manners, it is now easier to trust God; we have the teachings of Jesus and an additional Testament to share His works. In contrast, there is a greater challenge: to face the One who has sacrificed on our behalf. And this causes us difficulty, as we dislike the specifics of our salvation. No longer are we allowed to generically trust in the work of Jehovah, we must accept the work of Jesus.

All of this without Jesus

It is 30 A.D.
You are able to relate to Jehovah God in the following fashion: as one who sees God for who He is and yourself for who you are. In recognition, you seek the mercy of God to reunite [reconcile] yourself to Him. Positionally, you (a marred creation) are withdrawn from the presence of God. You need to be made right [justified] in relation to God to be found in His presense.
Without knowledge of Jesus or comprehension of how God will go about fairly bringing the two of you together [reconciled], you (in faith) are made right [justified] with God.
The result of this justification:
  • Access to Jehovah God,
  • Presence of Holy Spirit,
  • Recognition as 'son of Abraham',
  • Expectation of eternity with God in heaven.
All of this without Jesus.

19 June 2009

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." - Walt Kelly

the outline is from John Maxwell's Leadership Gold (www.johnmaxwell.com/leadershipgold)
the comments are from your's truly.
Failures in Leadership:
1. "Activity does not necessarily equal accomplishment"
2. "Uncertainty and the personal changes I was dealing with... I became unfocused, and my vision for the organization became cloudy. My passion and energy also began to wane."
3. "The people were not prepared for the decisions - and I was unprepared for their response."
4. "My unwillingness to make difficult decisions cost me many dollars and some key personnel."
Observations of Human Nature:
1. "People seldom see themselves realistically."
2. "We tend to judge others according to their actions... we judge ourselves by our intentions."
Leading Your Self:
1. "Civilization is always in danger when those who have never learned to obey are given the right to command." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
"Good leadership requires an understanding of the world that followers live in... Arrogant leaders... alienate their followers, their colleagues, and their leaders."
So much of my life has been spent in some mode of leadership. I have not paid my dues on the low rungs of the ladder, and it limits me.
History has shown that I alienate those my age and older whom I work with/around. I hate to admit that, but it is true. I have made some efforts to change my method of interaction in recent years, but admittedly, it seems a bit of a facade, condescending.
2. "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the servant to the leader." - Solomon.
"When we are foolish, we want to conquer the world. When we are wise, we want to conquer ourselves." - John Foster
3. "Being one step ahead makes you a leader... Being fifty steps ahead could make you a martyr."
"Leaders need to remember that the point of leading is not to cross the finish line first. It's to take people across the finish line with you."
"Do not overestimate what you can do in a year, and underestimate what you can do in ten years." - Rockbrain
4. People "can't trust themselves". "Two decisions: First, I will not trust myself. Second, I will become accountable to someone other than myself."
We don't see ourselves clearly. I don't. I am humble in the macro and boastful in the micro, and blind spots surround me.
Falling away is rare. Inching away is all too common. Given enough time to degenerate, we are 'above' nothing.
Stages of Relationships:
Acceptance - meet people where they are
Affirmation - help build people up
Accountability - hold people to an agreed upon standard (few reach this stage)
Authority - give people distinct power over your actions (very few reach this stage)
We must have someone(s) in the Accountability/Authority stage to submit to. Someone we trust enough in the easy times to follow in the difficult times, when they likely see things more clearly than you do.
Stages of Development:
"We don't want advice.
We don't object to advice.
We welcome advice.
We actively seek advice.
We often follow the advice given to us."
I am at the "don't object - welcome advice" stage. My confidence precludes me from going after other's advice, with few exceptions.
Leading Yourself
"You are held responsible not onl for your own actions, but also for those of the people you lead."

24 May 2009

Angels & Demons

We are not Angels.
We are not beyond this world, free of its state, purely obedient to God's will, righteous because we are made to be righteous. We ought not pretend we are, ought not build a shelter from the created world, re-creating an existence absent the flesh.
Tempting it may be to relinquish the five senses, to cut off a very distinct and real portion of what has been given to us by Creator God, who in turn commanded our caretaking of it. Safe it may seem, but it is a glass house built with an eye on appearances and contrary to the ways and commands of YWWH.
We are created in the image of our Maker: body, soul & spirit. Appropriately it may seem to rank these aspects, to value the body as the least of these. Yet all have been created, and none are to be abolished by any attempt on our part. We are more than Angels, and regardless of our efforts, we have bodies to not merely contend with, but rather to honor God with.

Neither are we Demons.
We are not bound to this world, purely obedient to our Flesh and its demands, righteous because there is no standard by which to allow judgment. We ought not pretend we are, ought not to feed the dark regions of our flesh in gluttony, malnourishing the remainder of our being. Tempting, tantalizing, thrilling, edgy, and continuously failing to fulfill.
We are created in the image of our Maker: body, soul & spirit. Binding our selves to the flesh, feeding the body with no concern for soul and spirit, will find us atrophied from lack of nourishment. We are more than Animals, and regardless of our efforts, we have a Soul to contend with, a mind and person within us which needs exposure to the glory of the Creator and to then naturally react in imitation. We have a Spirit to acknowledge, an identity needing the adoption of the Father of us all.

We are a Special Creation.
Not stated in arrogance, but humility. This planet is destructive and even with the greatest of victories we may claim in 'helping it', failure surrounds our lives. We imitate Angels, locking ourselves away, spiritual aristocrats. We imitate Animals, feeding on the darkness with no concern beyond the moment. And in these fashions we fall terribly short of the fullness of our created beings.

Sok is dead

Sok was a wary soul.
Spending time amongst those of previous generations, he witnessed an
acting out of the faith. It disturbed him, and he cautioned against becoming as they were: functioning Christians who partake in the activity of the faith but do not live in a manner of the faithful.

"My prayer, O Lord, is that I never become as they are..."
The foolishness of Sok was to misunderstand the path leading from one who is laying down before the living God Jehovah to one who does as Christians do (when in Rome...). It is not the path of overt decisions against faith; rather, it is the path of daily living, of small decisions unnoticed and the rare large decision rationalized. We end up where we are walking, even in this occasion, without realizing we were on the journey.
"...if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again?"
Sok is dead. Alan, who is Sok, is a bit shocked to realize it.
"But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love... even when we were dead in our sins, made us alive with Christ"
Maybe God will see fit to perform one of those acts He seems so very dedicated to: the resurrection of who He made me to be.
Abide in Me, and I in you... he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit... by this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples."

We talk big, and walk small, and the world has found us out.

02 May 2009

death of a niceman

As I have opened up to realizing and acknowledging the 'spot' that I am residing in at this moment in life, with a general pervading of unhappiness not common in my nature, I see how seeds of cynicism have taken root - I am wholeheartedly halfhearted about it.
I was not then as I am now.
October last we had friends of the past six years over for lunch - a group who have known and traveled with me in my adult-adult years. An honest, unpretentious comment casually forwarded in response to me cavorting in favor of my gentleman nature: I am not a nice guy. Cutting me 'to the quick', I did not know how to respond. My friends were honestly assessing me: I was not who I fancied I was. More accurately, who I remembered myself to be.
I was once one of the nicest guys people knew. A ridiculous statement, to be sure, but factually accurate. Maggie married him, not me.
The observations were not made with venomous intent, but I was shamed. The little Jesuses of my daily life, my wife, my children, my friends, neighbors, coworkers... they share space with one who has lost his generous smile and humble nature. Maggie says that my actions were still right by God, but my eyes were opened to the wake of my words and tones heaved upon others. The quick-witted leader may have followers and evoke laughter, but does not honor God or His creation with the enormous respect they both deserve. Plead to God, plead for His forgiveness. 'Restore us, Elohey Tzebaoth, make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved' (psalm80).
It is dangerous folly to rest ourselves in the knowledge that any particular aspect of our Character is complete. Rather, we continuously remake ourselves through our daily living. It may be that I learned that in October, and that God began something in me that day which has stripped me of my pretense and replanted a Christian tenderness towards others once in bloom within me. With God's help, I may yet be saved from the curmudgeon.

23 March 2009

Fifty Years of Math in the USA

1. Teaching Math In 1950s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

2. Teaching Math In 1960s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

3. Teaching Math In 1970s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit?

4. Teaching Math In 1980s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

5. Teaching Math In 1990s
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it is ok.)

6. Teaching Math In 2009
Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?

28 February 2009

Rules of Life

The original life rules were provided by Joe Crocker, HSBM canoe leader at Camp Kaleo:
1. Always be Thinking,
2. Books are our Friends,
3. Never send a little girl to do a big man's job, &
4. Never, ever play chicken with someone who has less to lose than you do.

An additional one was added by Rush circa 1995:
5. Fat women will love ya.

Added 2016: 
6. Always read the plaque.
7. There are no shortcuts.

19 February 2009

evolution is a farce

So, I found myself having to balance counter-intuitively most of today. As a result, I landed on most of the major (and some minor) parts of my body.
One fall that I will carry with me for at least a week helped remind me of two central truths.
Here I am falling, aiming my accelerating body towards 'groomed' ice, with mr. glutimus maximus and its relative softness to cushion the fall. But do lefty and righty do their jobs as designed? Do they stay in the same spot they've been positioned in the previous 13 millions years? No. They scatter: lefty one way and righty the other, leaving mr. tailbone (who had been taking a nap up until this point, minding his own business) open for impact. He's pretty mad at them at the moment. They've got one job (cushion), but they proved cowards.
And they proved that God has a sense of humor: 'If you're going to slide down a mountain on a butter knife, you are on your own.'

when life hands you a lemon...

First and foremost, a bad day of skiing is better than...
That being said, the local ABQ skisandia resort was test-run by me today. It was 1:15 faster drive than skisantafe, and a bit cheaper. While the specs on the resort (lifts, runs, acreage, elevation change) matches others, it has no personality and is almost complete ice.
After two runs, I was pretty mad. Mostly b.c of I knew how nice the other options were.
SO, rather than burn in frustration at the pitiful conditions, I turned my skis in and signed up for snowboard lessons. And while I fell more in 3 hours than I have in the previous 15 years of skiing, I had a good time, really challenged myself, and learned a little bit.
The lessons came with a free tongue piercing, which I thought was a nice touch.

16 February 2009

Mountains - 1, Sok - 1

I began the day driving up from Glorieta towards Taos for a ski day. At 8am, I called the skitaos office and asked how long the drive? '3 hours to the resort from Santa Fe'. This mis-information caused a chain of reactions that led me to skisantafe, 30 minutes away.
skitaos is without question THE ski resort of new mexico, but I want to ski, not drive.

skisantafe completely exceeded expectations. A shortage of blue triangle trails forced my hand on the black diamonds, mostly in the form of spiderweb interwovens amongst towering evergreens. I completely stretched and exhausted myself, which is an enlightening experience.

P.S. - Santa Fe Brewing Co. Nut Brown Ale is fantastic.
P.P.S. - Santa Fe itself is ridiculously overrated, confirming Maggie and my assessment from 2000.

15 February 2009

good things begin with Ice

As an Engineer, who runs a company(s), with four (4) kids ar home, there is very little not already planned in my life.
This week will be different.
I have a journal containing a bunch of place names and addresses and phone numbers, but prior to today's lunch at the Frontier (all hale the huevos rancheros), it did not contain an itinerary.
So I am here at Glorieta, having eaten a wonderful meal with Iceman and Shannon and their tagalongs. Ice is generally accepted in the world of all things Kaleo to be that which the rest of us strive to emulate. It is a pleasure to see him (that sounded insincere, but it is not).
Before I set the alarm, I must decide what I am doing tomorrow. Oh, the pressure.

13 February 2009

journey man

i have put together my thoughts for the week down in my journal, just to give me some ideas of what to do, if i find myself needing ideas of what to do.
now i just need to remember to bring my journal
i am attempting to leave the cluttering aspects of life behind: no ipod for the plane, no quick read fiction novels, no serious read life-books. working through how exactly to be still, a challenge not often afforded us within this world.
i seek peace, and harmony with God and my self and my life.
i seek vision and voice - both God's and my own.
i attempt to do such with reverence and patience. i may be forever changed next week, or i may just refresh a bit. i don't know exactly when i'll find out on that one.

07 February 2009

home again

I was heading to Joshua Tree via Phoenix Airport, but the prices jumped while I slept on it.

And there she was, calling me gently, reminding me of the sweet smell of her perfume, her vistas, and the undercurrent addiction to her cooking. A seed planted, returning for a second reunion, venturing across the homeland.
I am going to New Mexico.

While I was not s
ure what I wanted to do while deciding, I am living in great joy knowing that I will be venturing there in eight short days.
The despair of not being able to stay...

05 February 2009

where to go? where to go?

It would seem to the uninitiated that the emergence of Kayak.com, Expedia.com, Priceline.com, Cheapoair.com Travelocity.com (and our perennial voice of guidance, Clark Howard) would provide a tangible benefit to the recipient of such seemingly intensive competition. Such belief is only accepted by those untested in the fine art of internet competition shopping.
  • Check here
  • Check there
  • Check under here
  • Check around there
  • Look at this site
  • Switch the dates and try again
  • Maybe if I wait a day and see
  • But what if I don't purchase now
It is a miserable experience for the likes of me, and I regret my participation in such.

Maggie recounts my previous journeys and the utter waste of time spent working the system in my travels to Thailand and China, and our purchases of the Van and the TV. In every other aspect of my retail experience, I play a casual 'cannot be bothered over a few dollars" gentleman. But in the world of comparative internet purchasing, I am an addict, sitting over the slots hoping that the next pull will be the Big One.

What a hearty waste.

04 February 2009

a Walkabout

It can readily be said that 2008 proved to be my most trying of 32 years. I would like to hope that I cleaved to Jesus in this time, and I believe there is evidence before me that I did. However, difficult things are difficult, even with God Almighty.
The times of tumults have weighed on me, one who is typically rather stalwart. And it has been recognized (and pointed out to me) that my lack of 'enjoyment' has finally effected my sense of 'joy'.
My discerning and charitable wife has encouraged a Walkabout, and I just might take her up on it. She will be taking the kids to her mother's in two weeks, and has warned me of the wrath that will follow my typical reaction to her absence, an overloading of work.
"Go somewhere. Get some time alone. Breathe a bit. And come home with either some answers or some joy or, preferably, both."
Options are weighing themselves before me:
  • Outward Bound or NOLS course.. none offered the right dates, rather expensive, and I'll be forced to talk to others.
  • Seattle and the surrounding areas, bumming a couch of my best friend Weeder... but the traditional excitement of seeing him and his wife and upcoming child (I won't probably see the child) is replaced by apprehension at being with others. I am feeling the need for loneliness.
  • Westward... over the Mississippi I am called.
  • Joshua Tree, Southern California, climbing and hiking and camping in the desert in the likes of Christopher McCandless.
  • Skiing somewhere? I would like to try my hand at Cross Country.
  • THE Grand Canyon is always suggested, but only by those who don't realize how incredibly cold it is there this time of year, without the benefit of campfires or snow-based activities.
  • Honduras
  • Equator
  • Costa Rica (Maggie's pick of the three, as it feels less dangerous to her)

I have little time to decide, and must as well decide whether to pursue this dream or let it lie.

22 January 2009

what we do verses what we need

People know where to mine silver and how to refine gold. They know where to dig iron from the earth and how to smelt copper from rock. They know how to shine light in the darkness and explore the farthest regions of the earth as they search in the dark for ore. They sink a mine shaft into the earth far from where anyone lives. They descend on ropes, swinging back and forth.

Food is grown on the earth above, but down below, the earth is melted as by fire. Here the rocks contain precious lapis lazuli, and the dust contains gold. These are treasures no bird of prey can see, no falcon’s eye observe. No wild animal has walked upon these treasures; no lion has ever set his paw there. People know how to tear apart flinty rocks and overturn the roots of mountains. They cut tunnels in the rocks and uncover precious stones. They dam up the trickling streams and bring to light the hidden treasures.

But do people know where to find wisdom? Where can they find understanding? No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living. ‘It is not here,’ says the ocean. ‘Nor is it here,’ says the sea. It cannot be bought with gold. It cannot be purchased with silver. It’s worth more than all the gold of Ophir, greater than precious onyx or lapis lazuli. Wisdom is more valuable than gold and crystal. It cannot be purchased with jewels mounted in fine gold. Coral and jasper are worthless in trying to get it. The price of wisdom is far above rubies. Precious peridot from Ethiopia cannot be exchanged for it. It’s worth more than the purest gold.

But do people know where to find wisdom? Where can they find understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all humanity. Even the sharp-eyed birds in the sky cannot discover it. Destruction and Death say, ‘We’ve heard only rumors of where wisdom can be found.

God alone understands the way to wisdom; he knows where it can be found, for he looks throughout the whole earth and sees everything under the heavens. He decided how hard the winds should blow and how much rain should fall. He made the laws for the rain and laid out a path for the lightning. Then he saw wisdom and evaluated it. He set it in place and examined it thoroughly. And this is what he says to all humanity:

'The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;

to forsake evil is real understanding.’